Our Mission

The power of I Am His shatters the lies of the ages and reveals to each woman their true identity in Christ.

The Vision

Our vision is to provide a place where women from all churches, cultures and backgrounds are welcome and witness powerful stories of other women, not unlike themselves, who have walked through trials and triumphs, clinging to Jesus along the way...testimonies of how God stepped into their pain and led them through to a place of healing and thriving in His promises.   

The Founders

Teri resides in Orange County, California and has been married to her husband Barry since 1977. Barry and Teri have two children, a wonderful daughter in law and four beautiful grand children.

Teri has pursued her passion to counsel, encourage and teach women for over 30 years as they deal with real life issues. She is a Bible teacher, conference speaker and contributing writer on CCT Beloved Women’s Ministries, When Love Hurts Blog and is Co-Founder and contributing author of the I Am His Women’s Conference.
Aimee was adopted from Korea at the age of three and raised in a loving Christian family. At the age of 19 she willfully chose to walk away from the Lord and the church to pursue a life that she believed would be fulfilling.

A successful career in the fashion industry took her all over the world and allowed her to live a lavish lifestyle, however all the money and success could never fill the hole in her heart. After 2 broken engagements and a divorce by the age of 30 she finally came to the end of herself and surrendered her life to Jesus.