
I am His. As women we don’t get it at first, or it doesn’t totally click and we forget. We are blood bought, chosen, and adopted into the very heart of God. We’ve been grafted in, hallelujah! My favorite title of God is Abba Father. I am His daughter!! Coming from abuse, neglect, abandonment from those closest to me, and with no sense of belonging for over 31 years... I’ve now lined my heart completely with the Lord’s in claiming that I AM INDEED HIS!! He wanted me when no one else did. He loved me through the dark times and seasons of plenty. He has never forgotten me or not once desired to abandon me. I am fully His and He is completely mine. I finally get what I’ve longed for, even after getting saved and walking with the Lord I still struggled with claiming my identity in Christ. God was intentional with peeling those layers back slowly and unraveling me bare before Him to show me that He always wanted and always desired the deepest parts of who I am. I am still His, forever His and am claiming what’s been true for so long!!

The I Am His Conference was an anthem of redemption claiming who we are in Jesus! It was celebrating what only God can do! For me, it was a joy to hear testimonies of deep trial and sorrow, yet see the victory of the Lord brightly displayed through each story that He has written for His glory.... just like my own. We are His, praise the Lord!!! 


I had been stuck in the cycle of violence for almost 8 years in my marriage, all the while serving in ministry.  For years I felt so confused about my relationship with my husband, and wanted to honor the Lord. A year and a half ago God gave me the strength to walk away from that relationship. I had felt so lost and completely alone in my pain. Was even hurt further by well meaning believers. At the “ I Am His” conference the Lord showed me that I am not alone. He reminded me how loved and precious I am to Him. He validated to me that He was not ok with what had happened. I was able to let go of the shame that I had been holding onto and be reminded of the most important truth, I am His.

This year I attended your conference for the first time. I understand I cannot ever miss another. I am so thankful for what the Lord has put together for me through this conference. It is so important for me to remember who I am in Christ and whose I am.