Women's Conference




Together we will encounter the presence of God and His Word along with other women. We will have honest, real and vulnerable dialogue about topics that are seldom addressed in many churches.

You will hear raw stories from women who have had to walk hard roads, like many of us have, and how they have found healing and their true identity in Christ.

Join us at the I Am His Conference.

Conference Details



Saturday, June 1, 2019



8 AM - Registration & Continental Breakfast

 8:30 AM - Doors Open

 9:00 AM -Conference Begins

4:00 PM - Conference Ends



Aimee Cook, Diane Coy, Naghmeh Panahi ( Abedini) & Teri Stagner




Lunch NOT Included

Lunch can be purchased at local eateries.



Calvary Chapel Tustin

1500 E. 17th Street

Santa Ana, CA 92705



Diane was born and raised in Southern California where, as a high school senior, she gave her heart and life to Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  She has worked with and directed women’s ministries, including teaching and writing curriculum for ladies Bible studies in Ft. Lauderdale, FL where she lived for 25 years; as well as speaking at retreats and conferences across the country.

Diane’s love for the Bible, which she has read through each year for over 20 years, and her dependency upon the Holy Spirit is the foundation she stands on to encourage other women to deepen their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Teri Stagner resides in Orange County California and has been married to her husband Barry since 1977. Barry And Teri have two children, a wonderful daughter in law and four beautiful grandchildren.

Teri has pursued her passion to encourage and teach Women for over 30 years as they deal with real life issues. Teri is a Bible teacher, Conference Speaker and contributing writer on CCT Beloved Women’s Ministries, When Love Hurts Blog and is Co-Founder of the I Am His Women’s Conference.


From the time of her conversion Naghmeh had a conviction to reach Muslims for Christ back in her birth country, Iran.  During this time she married Saeed Abedini and they ministered together.  After her move back to the states and the birth of her two children, Saeed was arrested while visiting Iran.  Through God’s grace Naghmeh was able to bring world wide attention not only to Saeed’s imprisonment in Iran, but also to the plight of the persecuted Christians worldwide.  Many labeled Naghmeh a hero wife.  No one knew that in her efforts of trying to free Saeed from the Iranian prison, a false image of him was developed. From the beginning, their marriage was filled with infidelity and abuse on Saeed’s part.  Eventually, God revealed to her that if she loved Saeed, she would draw firm boundaries and call him to repentance.  This call was not taken well by Saeed and he filed for divorce upon his release from prison.  Heartbroken and deeply sorrowful, Naghmeh drew close to the Word of God and found her comfort and strength in Christ alone, the true lover of her soul.


Aimee was adopted from Korea at the age of three and raised in a loving Christian family. At the age of 19 she willfully chose to walk away from the Lord and the church to pursue a life that she believed would be fulfilling.

A successful career in the fashion industry took her all over the world and allowed her to live a lavish lifestyle, however all the money and success could never fill the hole in her heart. After 2 broken engagements and a divorce by the age of 30 she finally came to the end of herself and surrendered her life to Jesus. 

After waiting 7 years and almost giving up, the Lord brought her the most amazing husband. They are happily married and live in Los Angeles as he has a successful career in television that allows her to do full time ministry. Aimee is a Survior Mentor, certified to work with women and children who have been rescued from Human Trafficking, has lead a Restoration Study to women all over the country, is a Conference Speaker and Co-Founder of the I Am His Women's Conference.